To get a quote for this service you must fill out the fields below.

Escrow Services & Bid Management For Third Party Contractor
Many times an owner of a property will order work and repairs to be done on a property. This service will guarantee a contractor is not paid before the work is completed 100%. Regional REO Services will hold the funds in an account. And verify when the contractor has completed an approved job. Regional REO Services will baby sit your approved bid until completed 100%.

First Name:
Last Name:
Please contact me with the results via:
Contact Email/Fax:
The amount you would like to pay Regional REO Services for this service when the task is 100% complete:
Property Address:
Property City:
Property State:
Property Zipcode:
Deadline for Service: (MM-DD-YYYY)
I would like the following completed / additional information:
Special Instructions & Circumstances:
Contractor Name:
Contractor Contact Information:
Approved Bid Amount: