To get a quote for this service you must fill out the fields below.

Eviction Crew
When the eviction attorney has a lockout date, Regional REO Services will be there to execute the deputy’s instructions. Regional REO will re key the property, move any personal property to the curb under the deputy’s supervision, and take pictures of the interior and exterior. Per the sheriff’s office, Regional REO Services will have 6 – 7 people present to execute the writ of possession. We can coordinate directly with your attorney handling your eviction.

First Name:
Last Name:
Please contact me with the results via:
Contact Email/Fax:
The amount you would like to pay Regional REO Services for this service when the task is 100% complete:
Property Address:
Property City:
Property State:
Property Zipcode:
Deadline for Service: (MM-DD-YYYY)
I would like the following completed / additional information:
Special Instructions & Circumstances:
Case #:
Eviction Attorney:
Eviction Attorney Contact Information:
Defendant's Full Name:
Date of Lockout:
Deputy Name/County:
Deputy Contact #: